
Nick Archambault
2 min readFeb 15, 2021

The color blue is a fallacy, A liar to those that view it. Some might even call it a Magician or an illusionist. Since it plays tricks on the mind and it’s hand is so slight that leaving your eyes open won’t help you. Is it colour or color, blue or bleu, not even language can have a firm grasp on its creation. I bet the first to ink it had a glass right beneath it full of a clear liquid that is not blue. But someone might ask, “what about the oceans, the sky, and her eyes?” They appear blue as can be but how can we be so sure. Shrink down the planet and give it a pour and look at what happens to the colo(u)r. A mere opaque refraction compared to what was used to be seen. The sky is black when the sun is not shining and blue is the sun’s hello. So if blue is part of the light spectrum and gets scattered in all directions. Then how do we see, let’s say a poison dart frog? This is the part that is really tricky because if blue light is the only part being reflected and all the other colors are absorbed. Is the frog really even blue? Wouldn’t frogs’ true color be the oranges, the reds, the violets, and the greens? The blues are a genre, not seen but well heard. But what about her eyes? Surely they don’t play tricks or lie. Truly they are brighter than the sky. Honestly they drown out the ocean with just one quick glance. Most importantly when I look in her eyes my heart starts to dance.

